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Welcome to our news page! Here is where we will keep you updated on celebration, sales, promotions, and events surrounding Lakeside Bookkeeping & Tax Service. Feel free to read the articles and comment on them in our Contact section above. You can also follow us through our Facebook and Linked accounts.

New Notary Public


Congratulations to our very own Katelyn McDonald for passing her notary public exam! After recieving her stamp she will be available during our office hours to administer any oaths, affirmations, acknowledgements, etc. requested.


We are so very proud of her accomplishements as she continues to further pursue her career here at Lakeside Bookkeeping!

Happy 25th Birthday Lakeside!


2016 marked the 25th year that Lakeside Bookkeeping has been providing accounting and tax services to this community and surrounding areas. Kim Chidester started Lakeside Bookkeeping in her home across from the Whitney Point Resevoir with her eldest daughter, then only 2, and her middle daughter months away from birth.


In 1998 Kim opened her first office on Collins Street in Whitney Point acrossed from Aiello's Pizzeria. Lakeside Bookkeeping's business grew too big for that office and she moved into the office next to the Liquor Store on Rt. 11 in 2005.


In the last 4 years Lakeside Bookkeeping has grown to have over 1,000 income tax clients, and 50+ payroll and bookkeeping clients. We moved from Rt. 11 to our current location at 2621 Main St. in Whitney Point in 2012 and are continuing to grow.


Happy Birthday Lakeside Bookkeeping and Congratulations Kimberly for all your success!

Welcome to Our Website!


Lakeside Bookkeeping has been doing a lot of changes to upgrade and move into the future. Our website is one of the newest additions as well as our facebook page and linked account. Check us out and keep updated on all of the wonderful things happening at Lakeside including events, sales, promotions, and celebrations.


We have also added on a survey for all of our income tax clients, to provide us feedback on your experience so that we can impove and grow in those areas. The link is available below. Lakeside Bookkeeping has also been nominated for the 2016 Fans Choice Award for Broome County. Click on the link below to rate us!



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